Before, During, And After: Everything You Need To Know About Dental Extractions

At one point or the other, it may be necessary to go through dental extractions either as a correctional step to fix bad teeth or as a remedy against excruciating dental pains that are not a laughing matter when they occur. Here are a number of things you need to know in order to prepare you for what lies ahead. Better be armed with information so that when the time comes, you are prepared.

Toothaches are no fun. On top of being excruciatingly painful, they are also an indicator that something is desperately wrong where your dental health is concerned. In many cases, by the time a toothache gets to the stage where you are experiencing terrible pains, you may be required to undergo a tooth removal or dental extraction procedure to remedy the problem. If you find yourself in this situation, here are a few things you should know about the tooth extraction process.

What Are Dental Extractions?

A dental extraction is what occurs when a tooth is professionally removed completely from its socket by a dentist. Both generalist dentists and periodontists are skilled in dental extractions and offer them to their clients. As such, persons can gain access to a wide range of dental extraction clinic services without seeking out specialized options. This is particularly great if there is a dental extraction emergency which must be dealt with immediately. Below, we will look further into all that a tooth extraction entails, including the cost, healing process, and recovery time involved in the tooth removal procedure.

What To Expect When Getting Ready For A Tooth Extraction

Getting ready for a tooth removal procedure can carry stresses with it for more than one reasons. For starters, there is the pain of the distressed tooth that one has to deal with. Secondly, there are other options that your dentist may require before the actual extraction takes place.

A. What To Do Before A Tooth Extraction Procedure

The things you will be required to do prior to the procedure will depend on the nature of your extraction. That is, the reason you are having one done. For example, you may have an infection in the tooth to be removed that must be dealt with before the extraction can actually take place.

In such an instance, your dentist may prescribe a course of antibiotics beforehand to clear the infection. You may also be prescribed some prescriptions to take along with the antibiotics prior to the dental extraction.

Whether or not you are required to take special medication by your dentist or periodontist, there are still some things that you will have to do in order to ensure you have the best possible outcome and experience for your tooth extraction.

For example, you will need to ensure that within 24 hours prior to your procedure that you get as much rest as possible. A tooth removal procedure can prove to be pretty taxing – after all, the body will be called upon to help you heal in the aftermath.

In addition to getting enough rest, be sure to:

Total Fast

Abstaining from eating or drinking anything after midnight on the day before your tooth extraction. This includes abstaining from drinking water. This helps ensure that rare complications from the anesthesia do not arise.

Dress Appropriately

While it is important to dress comfortably for your tooth extraction, it is recommended that you wear short sleeves to better facilitate your care provider checking for vitals at any point necessary.

Have A Designated Driver

It is important that you have someone else take you to and from your appointment as it is not safe to operate a vehicle or other heavy machinery after tooth removal or dental extraction. This is as anesthesia may require.

B. What To Do After A Tooth Removal Procedure

Of course, there are also care and recovery steps that you will need to take in order to ensure that you heal properly from your teeth removal. Some of these include:


Yes, you must take a rest after dental extractions, the same as 24-hours pre-tooth removal rule of taking it easy and prioritizing rest applies. Remember you were just under anesthesia and your judgment may not be the best just yet.

Bite Gauze

To stop the bleeding and help the blood clot, you will need to continue biting down on pieces of gauze for up to three hours after your dental extraction.

Apply An Ice Pack

Additionally, apply an ice pack to the outside of the cheek of the affected area after the tooth extraction is complete and do so at 10-minute intervals for the first 24-hours.

Do Not Lie Flat

While it is true that you will need to sleep and rest at some point after your dental extraction, it is important that you don’t try to do so too soon after the tooth removal procedure. Wait a few hours and be sure to prop yourself up on a pillow so you are not flat.

  • Rinse gently with warm saltwater after 24 hours have passed post extraction
  • Add solid foods to the diet slowly as healing progress
  • Avoid using straws as the sucking motion can remove the blood clot
  • Do not rub the affected area with your tongue or fingers and brush teeth gently and carefully

Other General Dental Extractions Tips

Other tips for ensuring a smooth tooth extraction include bringing a box to store dentures, removable bridgework, or partial plates during the tooth removal. Also, be sure to arrive early (at least 20 minutes before) to so that you can relax and be calm and anxiety-free by the time your tooth removal is ready to begin.

Finally, knowledge is power. Be sure to learn all you can about your condition and the procedure before the day of your appointment. This is going to ensure that you put everything you need to in place for the best possible tooth extraction experience.